Congratulations to Stan Pippin!

Hole In One International

Who’s our latest hole in one winner?  Stan Pippin of Elgin, South Carolina is!

Pippin participated in the Woodcreek Classic Pro-Am at The Members Club at Woodcreek & WildeWood in Elgin, South Carolina, acing the par 3 hole #15 with his lucky 8 iron!  While that’s quite a feat in itself, the news gets even better…

He also won a free auxiliary prize, compliments of Hole In One International: a brand new 32″ Panasonic LCD TV!  Congratulations, Stan!  We hope you’re enjoying it!

Hole In One International loves giving recognition to all hole in one prize winners.  Have you ever won a prize compliments of Hole In One International?  Would you like us to feature you in our next blog post?  Do you have any great pictures of your hole in one to share?  Then be sure to contact us at 800-827-2249 or simply email us!

And remember… whether you’re receiving your free tee sign(s) that come with your insurance package or purchasing sponsor signs, Hole In One International accepts logos and artwork!  All you have to do is send us a high-resolution copy of it to this email address.

Categories: Hole In One, Winners

6195 Ridgeview Court Suite A | Reno, Nevada 89519